TFM is at the forefront of ultrathin magnetic films and magnetic nanostructures research. The group is investigating novel magnetic properties and spin-polarized electron transport phenomena in molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) grown and RFDC sputtered magnetic structures. The group is also exploring the fundamental electron spin-dependent transport processes which underpin the emerging field of spintronics and is a pioneer in the development of nanomagnetism for biomedical applications. For more information about our projects, please click here.
The group is well equipped to characterise and fabcricate nanomagnetic structures. We can fabricate magnetic materials using ultra-high vacuum (UHV) multiple technique chamber, electro-chemical deposition, MBE, etc. We also have characterisation tools such as SQUID, low-temperature MOKE, spin detector chamber, etc. For more information about our facilities and tools please click here.
The group organises weekly meetings on various subjects such as nano-structures, bio-magnetics and fabrication techniques. Besides all the hard work, researching in TFM group can be as much fun as there are challenges. We organise yearly punting trips along the River Cam and have BBQ sessions for almost any occasion that we can think of. We welcome any prospective students or researchers to contact the group concerning research in nano-magnetism.